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Embedding Imposter in your JVM tests

You can embed the Imposter in your JVM tests, such as JUnit or TestNG.

Typically, Imposter starts before your tests, providing synthetic responses to your unit under test. You connect your component under test to the mock HTTP endpoint provided by Imposter.

Imposter starts before your test runs, such as in your test set-up method (e.g. @Before in JUnit), providing your application with simulated HTTP responses, in place of a real endpoint.

Getting started

For a full working example project, see examples/junit-sample

First, note the latest release version.

Add the following Maven repository to your build tool:

Add the following Maven dependencies in your build tool:

Component Group ID Artifact ID Version
Main library io.gatehill.imposter distro-embedded As per Releases, e.g. 1.24.3
HTTP server io.gatehill.imposter imposter-server As per Releases, e.g. 1.24.3
Config parser io.gatehill.imposter config-dynamic As per Releases, e.g. 1.24.3
OpenAPI plugin io.gatehill.imposter mock-openapi As per Releases, e.g. 1.24.3

See the Dependencies section for full Maven and Gradle examples.

OpenAPI example

It is best to use a plugin-specific builder if it exists, such as io.gatehill.imposter.openapi.embedded.OpenApiImposterBuilder for the OpenAPI plugin.

Let's assume you have an OpenAPI specification file:

Path specFile = Paths.get("/path/to/openapi_file.yaml");

Example using an OpenAPI spec as the source:

MockEngine imposter = new OpenApiImposterBuilder<>()

// mockEndpoint will look like http://localhost:5234/v1/pets
String mockEndpoint = imposter.getBaseUrl() + "/v1/pets";

// Your component under test can interact with this endpoint to get
// simulated HTTP responses, in place of a real endpoint.

For a full working example project, see examples/junit-sample

Using a full configuration file

You can also get access to advanced Imposter features by using a standard configuration file. Pass the path to the directory containing the configuration file:

String configDir = Paths.get("/path/to/config_dir");

Example using a directory containing an Imposter configuration file:

MockEngine imposter = new ImposterBuilder<>()

// mockEndpoint will look like http://localhost:5234/v1/pets
String mockEndpoint = imposter.getBaseUrl() + "/v1/pets";

// Your component under test can interact with this endpoint to get
// simulated HTTP responses, in place of a real endpoint.

Note the need to specify the plugin, which was implicit in the example above.

For a working example, see ImposterBuilderTest


Build tool configuration for Gradle and Maven.


Using Gradle, add the following to your build configuration:

ext {
    // choose latest release from:
    imposter_version = '1.24.3'

repositories {
    maven {
        // imposter maven repository
        url ''

dependencies {
    testImplementation "io.gatehill.imposter:distro-embedded:$imposter_version"
    testImplementation "io.gatehill.imposter:imposter-server:$imposter_version"
    testImplementation "io.gatehill.imposter:config-dynamic:$imposter_version"
    testImplementation "io.gatehill.imposter:mock-openapi:$imposter_version"

    // ...


Using Maven, add the following to your POM:

        <!-- choose latest release from -->