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Deploy Imposter to AWS Lambda using Serverless Framework

This section describes how to deploy Imposter as an AWS Lambda function using Serverless Framework.

Other ways to deploy to Lambda

You can also deploy Imposter as a Lambda function using the Imposter CLI, infrastructure as code tools (e.g. Terraform) or the AWS Console.


The key steps are:

  • you upload the Imposter configuration files to an S3 bucket
  • you create a Serverless Framework configuration file referring to the Imposter Lambda ZIP file and configuration path in S3
  • you deploy the function using the Serverless Framework
  • you access the Lambda function via a Lambda Function URL or Amazon API Gateway


You must have an AWS account and permission to deploy Lambda functions, create/write to an S3 bucket, and configure API Gateway.

Upload configuration to S3 bucket

We are going to store the Imposter configuration files in an S3 bucket. Upload your configuration files to the S3 bucket, under a path such as config.

For the purposes of this guide, we will assume you have uploaded the configuration to a bucket named example-imposter-bucket, so the full path to the configuration file would be:


You may add related files here, such as response files, specifications etc.


Deployment steps

This method uses the Serverless Framework to create a Lambda function, and enables you to call it using the Lambda Function URL.

Step 1: Install Serverless Framework

Install the Serverless Framework:

npm install -g serverless

See the Serverless Framework getting started documentation.

Step 2: Download the ZIP file

Download the file from the Releases page.

Step 3: Configure the function

Create the following configuration file, named serverless.yml:

service: aws-imposter-example
frameworkVersion: '3'

  name: aws
  runtime: java11

  # permit the function to fetch the config from an S3 bucket named 'imposter-lambda-example'
    - Effect: "Allow"
      Action: "s3:GetObject"
      Resource: "arn:aws:s3:::imposter-lambda-example/*"
    - Effect: "Allow"
      Action: "s3:ListBucket"
      Resource: "arn:aws:s3:::imposter-lambda-example"

  individually: true

    handler: "io.gatehill.imposter.awslambda.HandlerV2"
    timeout: 30
    url: true
      artifact: "./"
      IMPOSTER_CONFIG_DIR: "s3://imposter-lambda-example/config/"

Note: IMPOSTER_CONFIG_DIR is not the path to the YAML file - it is the directory ('prefix') under which the file exists in the bucket.

Important: Ensure the Lambda execution role has permission to access the S3 bucket containing your configuration.

See deploy/example/bucket-policy.json for an example IAM role.

Deploy your Lambda function with the Serverless CLI:

serverless deploy

Step 4: Test the function

If all has gone well, you should be able to reach your Lambda function using the Function URL:

$ curl https://<Lambda Function URL>/system/status

{ "status": "ok" }

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